Greater Vancouver Chess Tournament is a CFC-rated, classical tournament with typical time controls and prizes as follow:
Rounds 1, 2 and 3: each player has 50 minutes with 10 second increment per move. Rounds 4 and 5: 90 minutes with 30 second increment per move.
Prizes: total fund $4500-$5000 guaranteed and trophies for best boys/girls to encourage young players.
This is a playground for players of all levels, from beginners to masters, with different sections based on CFC rating. There is no age limit. Kid friendly playing conditions.
Every Sunday at Penny Chess Club Burnaby Location, we organize rapid chess tournaments with time control of 10 minutes with 5 second increment per move. It is rated for the CFC quick rating. The prizes for top 3 are $60, $40 and $20. This is a playground for all chess lovers who would like to practice rapid chess on a weekly basis. There is no age limit. Kid friendly environment.

I. Anti-cheating rules
We will follow anti-cheating rules guidelines by FIDE. You can find more detail in this link:
II. Food and drinks
You are allowed to bring snacks and non-alcoholic drinks to the playing venue, for example: fruits, chocolate, soft drinks, coffee, milk.
III. CFC membership
You are required to have a valid CFC ID for this tournament. Check the link below to register if you have not got one.
IV. Refusal of Entry
We reserve the rights to refuse your entry to the tournament.
V. Refund
Generally, we do not offer any refund. Any requests will be assessed case by case.
VI. Electronic Device Rules
1. All electronic devices (for example: phones, tablets, laptops, smart watches…) are not permitted to be used while players are playing except for special needs with TD’s approval.
2. Electronic devices that can communicate with other people or devices, or operate softwares should be kept in a bag or a case. They must be turned off completely. They must remain at the playing table if the game is in progress.
3. Spectators are asked to keep their phone in silent mode.
4. Violators can be asked to leave the room. Serious cases might lead to an anti-cheating investigation.
We follow FIDE rules of chess. If there is any argument between players, or player and arbiter, the TD will make the final decision based on FIDE guidelines.